A Spirit of Counsel: Divine Ability to Counsel Leaders
One of the most helpful things you can do if you want to operate in a high level of clarity and effectiveness, is to take time to recognize the patterns of how you've operated in your life.
Over the last few years I started to notice a very specific theme that when I coached leaders, they would all eventually say similar things like- “talking to you is better than therapy.” Or they would look around the room shocked and ask “Am I in therapy right now?” or “Are you a counselor?.
Which tells me that leaders want to be heard. They need to be heard, at a heart level. But they often don’t have spaces to process what’s on their heart, because they are busy leading.
They are always surprised because it's not what they thought they signed up for when they signed up to work with me. They thought they were coming just to talk about business or leadership strategy. But the thing is your life, internal world, and how you are leading and showing up in your business, are all connected.
Then, seeing that I was still holding space for the question – they would suck it up and answer the seemingly unrelated business question.
As I followed the thread that their heart had revealed and asked them the question I felt led to ask, I would observe their body language.
I watched as their shoulders would relax, they would let out the breath they'd been holding for the last few months…(or even years), and I could tangibly see the pressure being released and deflating as we talked.
Lightbulbs would come on, and clarity would start to return to their eyes.
Ideas would suddenly start to flow.
Because clarity just got unlocked.
Clarity is meant to flow like water.
But when ideas or strategies aren't flowing, when you aren't able to see which path to take – it's often because something else is in the way. The things going on inside your heart, the internal wrestles that you haven't let anyone into, are actually blocking you from seeing the clarity you desire.
And I say “seeing”, because clarity has to do with vision. For leaders, pioneers, and visionaries who are going where no one else has gone before - being able to see clearly, is vital.
By the end of the session, they'd visually look 10 times lighter. And the amazing thing was, each time, by the end of the session, ideas would be flowing like water, about what exactly they needed to do next to get to the next level.
I noticed people would be overjoyed, and a bit bewildered at what all just happened.
When people would initially tell me that they felt like they’d just been to therapy, I knew it was significant they were telling me this – but I didn't really know why.
But since it was being repeated, I recognized that I should pay attention to that pattern.
It wasn't until I was in a prayer line a few years ago, that someone called out and identified what this was, that it all clicked. It's the Spirit of Counsel that is upon me.
So while I am not a licensed therapist, I am anointed to counsel people – to walk with them through their process, and help restore them to wholeness of heart.
I've heard it in different ways –”I make questions seem soft, thank you for making room for me, I appreciate how you just let me be without rushing me, thank you for holding space for my story.”
I've seen over and over again - the look of surprise on their face, at the end when they look at their phone for the time and realize how much uninterrupted time I've given them. I sat with them for hours and let them process.
They leave feeling lighter, set free, and the ideas and revelation starts flowing like water after I've sat with them.
This is my gift to the world. It's my honor to hold space like this for Kingdom leaders and pioneers who need space to non-linearly process and see the dots divinely connect.
Convergence and clarity are what I’m after. Sound like what you need? Let's talk!