The #1 Most Transferable Skill that Will Help You in Every Area of Your Life
I've come to believe that learning how to hear God's voice, and developing your capacity for spiritual intelligence is one of the most critical yet truly underrated skills you can develop.
It's the ONE skill that is 100% transferable to every area of life.
Why do I say transferable, you ask?
Because The One Who Knows All Things loves to advise you, help you, and guide you in every area of your life. Anything that concerns you, He cares about.
Want to know how to be a better friend?
Want to know how to make wise business decisions? Like who to partner with, how to market, your strategy for this season, or who your target audience is?
Where to move geographically?
What job to take and/or when to leave?
How to get better with your habits and time management?
 What to invest in? How to grow your wealth?
 How to navigate family dynamics and tricky relationships?
 What your body personally needs for optimum health?
He wants to speak to you about every single thing!
Learning how to hear the voice of God for yourself is not only an awe-inspiring, intimate, and personal spiritual also has real-life, practical applications for every area of your life.
He is for you and wants to help you thrive!
Most people don't know this is a gift that's even available to them.
But over the last decade-plus, it's been learning and pursuing this one thing that has drastically changed every area of my life. It has been the wildest journey, but so fun and life-changing.
I know it will be helpful for your life as well.
So I want to start sharing more about that journey and how you can activate the voice of God in your own life, to help you cultivate this intimacy, sense of direction, and clarity for yourself as well.
What questions do you have about this topic? I'd love to hear about them below.